About Us
Ancient board game. Mesopotamia, 2400 - 2200 BC
The Intelligent Games Lab is a multidisciplinary research group at TU Dublin. It was founded in 2019 with the mission of investigating how to design, develop and evaluate digital and non-digital games that can shape minds, human relationships and society. The initial group consisted of researchers in Artificial Intelligence and game-based learning with a Computer Science background, but the group is now a multi-disciplinary research unit with expertise in HCI, game-design, AI and Machine learning, cognitive learning. We also established national and international collaboration with the department of Computer Science at University of Galway, the Music and Math Cognition Lab at University College Dublin and international collaboration with Susane Levine's Cognitive Lab at University of Chicago.

The research group is currently running projects on game-based learning applied to K-12 Math education, game-based learning to foster strategical thinking, games to detect and mitigate math anxiety and intelligent tutoring systems for teaching programming to University students.

IG Labs are part of the School of Computer Science, TU Dublin. Our sponsors include Science Foundation Ireland, the Irish Research Council and Enterprise Ireland.

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